Window of Hope
About our work Our heart is excited and stirred up for the children and young people of Zimbabwe! Each one is a gift of God, loved by Him and invaluable. Unfortunately for many of them life is pretty tough here. The future seems without hope for since:
It is our desire to reach these young people for Christ and to help them to live according to the word of God! There are four different fields of work for us here: 1. Teaching God's word! (in a creative, comprehensive and practical way) at local schools (together with Scripture Union) at church, through preaching, Sunday school, youth group and Kids Bible club 2. HIV and Aids Prevention! through work shops & Seminars, at churches, camps, youth groups and & schools. 3. Camp work!
4. Training of local Co-workers!
In all theses different fields we are working together with our " United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe" and also with the African branch of Scripture Union. We are very grateful for our African brothers and sisters here, we can learn a lot from them! Jesus is alive Hallelujah! HE is the "Window of hope" for the people here as well! Thank you for praying in all that and being behind us. God bless you richly! |